Sunday, 29 January 2012

GAD week four

This last week was quite busy so not much crochet done, but I did finish the multi coloured scarf - I won't put another picture up as it more or less looks the same as last weeks picture.   I have also finished off one half of the G.A.D. scarf.  There are still a few more squares to do, but here is the half that I have crocheted together with slip stitch.   I think it looks great and I am longing to wear it.

I did wear the multi coloured scarf on Saturday and it was very warm - too warm and I had to take it off! 

Another exciting happening last week is that the U3A photography group I belong to has chosen my photograph of the multi coloured scarf to be displayed, with others, on the photography group board at the AGM.

Now I have to find a new crochet project.  My husband wants me to make him a scarf in Air Force Blue.  I have some yarn in this colour over from the multi coloured scarf, but I will need to get more.   Small problem here as I can't remember where I got it from!  I think this means a trip to all the wool shops that I visit often!  I might leave my purse and credit cards at home!

However, Air Force blue is rather boring, so I will be looking for something more colourful to do as well.

Happy Grannying!!


  1. I am loving the colours in your GAD Scarf Gwen - no wonder you are longing to wear it! Ali

  2. Oh I LOVE granny squares. Stopping over via the blog hop! So nice to meet you! New follower :)



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