Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Catching up

It's been a while since I wrote to you all - Life just gets busy at times and no time to blog or even crochet.
However, I have finished the long Air Force Blue scarf for B and he is very pleased with it.  He did wear it a couple of times before the weather warmed up.

I also have also been trying my very best to keep up with the Granny a Day project - not very successfully I have to admit and I need to do some catching up.

I also needed to find another project - and with a new baby due in the family, what better than to crochet a baby blanket in Granny Squares?   'He' will arrive in July, but nights can be cool in July so a blanket will be welcome.  Yes, we know it is a boy, so blue and white are the colours I will use.

On Sunday last B and I went to Wisley.  We live fairly close so visit often.  I took my camera, but I did not find a great deal to photograph.  These crocus were a sight to gladden the heart with a joyful reminder that summer will soon be here.

The butterflies were still in the glasshouse, which was so very busy we just whistled through, but we did spot this one which had escaped.

Happy Grannying!

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